- 康熙三十二年天咫閣刻本
- 康熙五十四年程光珠刻本
之前讨论过 Python 文档的一个 UI 问题。最近发现 Flask 文档也有类似的问题,但表现形式不大一样。
是 con__cat__enate 的缩写。第一版手册对 cat
的介绍是 concatenate and print[^1]:16 [^2]:1597,今天的多数版本则径作 catenate and print。Kernighan & Pike 说 cat
源自 catenate,又补充道:“Catenate” is a slightly obscure synonym for “concatenate”[^3]:15。Hahn 则直接说 cat
代表 catenate 而非 concatenate[^4]:344。拉丁语 con- (< cum) 有时确无实义,但这里可否略去还需研究。
In , writing yields , which looks too long when appearing in source code listings. (Here in it looks not that long.) One solution is using the underscore from a monospaced font instead.
Pythonistas use Jupyter to run codes interactively and visualize things. C++ programmers can also use Jupyter through Xeus-Cling.
#TIL C++(以及 C)中的逻辑运算符也可写成英文:(参考)
&& and & bitand &= and_eq
|| or | bitor |= or_eq
^ xor ^= xor_eq
!= not_eq ! not ~ compl
According to Wikipedia:
Many ligatures combine f with the following letter. A particularly prominent example is fi. The tittle of the i in many typefaces collides with the hood of the f when placed beside each other in a word, and are combined into a single glyph with the tittle absorbed into the f. Other ligatures with the letter f include fj, fl, ff, ffi, and ffl. […] These arose because with the usual type sort for lowercase f, the end of its hood is on a kern, which would be damaged by collision with raised parts of the next letter.
今日在 Hacker News 上看到對一篇文章的討論——Values and objects in programming languages(MacLennan,1982),想起之前用 Python 時落入的一個陷阱。