Free fonts
- 字雲 [née ‹花園›?]
Also called Aldine, this group is named in homage to Claude Garamond and Aldus Manutius. [—Wikipedia, Vox-ATypI classification]
- ET Book
- r/sb/b, i; ttf, otf, woff, woff2
- Cardo
- r/b, i; ttf; SIL OFL
- Garamond
- r/b, i/bi; ttf; Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL)
- EB Garamond
- r/m/sb/b/xb, i/mi/sbi/bi/xbi, var; SIL OFL
- C059
- r/b; i/bi; ttf/otf; GNU AGPLv3, with exemption
- r/b, i/bi; ttf; Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL)
- TeX Gyre Schola
- Latin Modern
Palatino is the name of an old-style serif typeface designed by Hermann Zapf, initially released in 1949 by the Stempel foundry[. —Wikipedia, Palatino]
- P052
- r/b, i/bi; ttf/otf; GNU AGPLv3, with exemption
- r/b, i/bi; ttf; Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL)
- TeX Gyre Pagella
- r/b, i/bi; otf; GUST Font License (GFL)
Bitstream Charter is a serif typeface designed by Matthew Carter in 1987 for Bitstream Inc. Charter is based on Pierre-Simon Fournier’s characters, originating from the 18th century. Classified by Bitstream as a transitional-serif typeface (Bitstream Transitional 801), it also has features of a slab-serif typeface and is often classified as such. [—Wikipedia, Bitstream Charter]
- Charter
- r/b, i/bi; ttf/otf/woff2
- Charis SIL