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Go notes


Go has a straightforward cross-compiler. Set a $GOOS and a $GOARCH, and it just works. For example:

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build

Which targets are available? There is a list of ‹the valid combinations of $GOOS and $GOARCH› in the doc (here).

By the way, for Rust cross-compilation, here is the doc. For C, use zig cc instead.


The book is The Go Programming Language (A. A. A. Donovan & B. W. Kernighan). What I have got is the ‘Authorized Adaptation from the English Language edition’ (sold only in Mainland China): the preface is translated into Chinese, and the index is missing (unpardonable!).

Hello, World (§1.1)

If you run go get, it will fetch the source code and place it in the corresponding directory.

[GoPL, p.2]

Today this is no longer the case. That command will tell you ‘go get is no longer supported outside a module’.

Module is a new concept which first appeared in Go 1.11. The Go blog has posted a series of articles on modules.

Before the introduction of modules:

Go code is organized into packages, which are similar to libraries or modules in other languages.


Now, the situation is different: a Go module contains some Go packages.

The terminology is a little confusing, since Python names them nearly the other way round! Pythonistas may have to unlearn that to learn Go modules (there is a note discussing the difference). I wish that Go modules were named libraries instead, because a module sounds smaller than a package to me (see also this article).

Command-Line Arguments (§1.2)

This is a way to avoid redundant separators:

var s, sep string
for i := 1; i < len(os.Args); i++ {
s += sep + os.Args[i]
sep = " "
[GoPL, p.5]